Suggested reading group questions !SPOILERS!
A few questions on the themes explored in Enough Rope and related personal / moral issues:
1) The novel’s style is heavy on dialogue and low on description. How did you find that?
2) The interview with Hiltunen provides the mystery in the initial section of the book. What did you think Steven might have done? Were you expecting a murder?
3) Have you worked away from home / been the stay at home partner? Did you relate to Steven / Abi?
4) Steven acts differently when drinking with his work mates to when he is talking with his wife. Do you think everyone leads these multiple lives to some extent?
5) It’s a fact that in Scandinavia whilst there is greater equality amongst the sexes than almost anywhere else, levels of domestic violence are very high. Why do you think that is?
6) Does TBS wind you up? What are your favourite love-to-hate examples?
7) Arwen is a name from a “fantasy world”. Does Steven ever see the real person she is, rather than the “fantasy” he imagines?
8) Did you listen to the songs? Did you find the music enhanced the story?
9) Do you agree with Hiltunen’s reasoning in the guilt versus regret debate? (chapter 11)
10) Did you work out who was the killer? What theories did you have?
11) Did you ever think that Steven was actually guilty?
12) Would you have believed Steven, given the apparent evidence?
13) Did you feel disappointed in Abi or do you think Steven didn’t deserve her?
14) If Arwen had caught up with Steven in the wood and so had not been killed, what do you think would have happened?
15) Do you think it is “better to know” for Steven or will it mess up his head too much?
16) Do you think Steven and Katri have a long term future?